LED Lighting

In this post, I will share information about LED lighting and ways I was able to save money by making the change. As your inspector, my goal is to share information with you that is helpful.  If you’re willing to read it, I want to make it worth your time. Lighting with LEDs instantly improves…

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How to Prepare for a Home Inspection

man inspecting a roof

Preparing for a house inspection can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With proper planning and preparation, you can ensure that your home inspection runs smoothly. Winding River Home Inspection has the experience, knowledge, and expertise to provide comprehensive property inspections. Our team is here to provide you with thorough, reliable home inspections…

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3 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore During a House Inspection

There might be a number of reasons you are looking for a new home. Whether you’re displeased with your old home or ready to find your dream house, moving is a time-sensitive and stressful situation that takes a tremendous mental capacity. It can be easy to overlook a few things during your Fort Collins home…

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